Below are a few details about the appraisal of the EOCare service by some of our customers and users, as well as third-party organisations.


The following entities have requested the support of EOCare for the implementation of their training sessions:

ESA Academy held early December 2022 the second edition of the Earth Observation Remote Sensing Workshop (EORSW 2022). During this 5-day event delivered by experts from ESA, academic institutions and industry, Master and PhD students got acquainted with the basics of remote sensing, along with an overview of ESA’s Earth observation satellite missions. The emphasis was given to gaining practical skills and putting them to use through exercises based on standard remote sensing tools.

The Centrale Supélec engineering school organised late 2021 a course entitled “Thematic sequence” focusing on Earth observation and targeted at first year students. The objective was to provide them with access to innovative technologies and powerful tools so that they become autonomous in their future projects related to remote sensing.

ESA organised in May 2021 the 6th Advanced Course on Radar Polarimetry. This course aimed at training the next generation of Earth observation scientists to exploit SAR dual and fully polarimetric data for science and applications development.


Here are some comments from trainees who attended one of the sessions supported by EOCare:

It was very useful to use the Virtual Machine instead of my own laptop. I don’t think I would have been able to run some of the programs on my laptop without encountering issues.

For this kind of intensive course with software and data involved, it is the best solution.

It was very helpful to have the data loaded and the software configured already.

This is really useful and should be more used for PhD student with a low budget in their laboratory.


EOCare is already referenced in several frameworks:

The Network of Resources (NoR), an ESA initiative which intends to foster the use of cloud environments or platforms, more particularly by sponsoring users from the research and development sector willing to access commercial resources.

The Open Cloud for Research Environments (OCRE) project, which aims at accelerating cloud adoption in the European context by bringing together cloud providers, Earth observation organisations and the R&D community.